It wasn't a completely crazy idea. He was on a major roll back in 1978. Everything he touched turned to gold. And we really really loved his stuff and thought it would be cool if he was the first to break through the ceiling. Also, we thought he deserved better than what he was getting in the press. And granted, he already had a ton of people doing the job (actually authorized to do the job) but what harm could a little grass roots action do? And lets face it, we were bored (i'm pretty sure the first discussions happened in 6th hour study hall, although it could have just as easily been 5th hour English)
So one of my best friends and I decided we were going to be (non-paid, non-cocaine user) A&R people for Barry Manilow. We were determined to make "Leaving in the Morning" off the EVEN NOW album become a hit, and give Barry Manilow a 5th hit single off an album, something that up to that point, had never been done (at least in our Casey Kasem'ed experience....I'm sure the Beatles had frequently achieved that feat, but those were the OLDEN days, we were talking the modern 1978 era!)
Now you really have to cast your memory back to the time (and shed your aversion to all things Barry Manilow....i promise you this doesn't require you to listen to or like his music....and you definitely need to shed your image of the botoxed, facelifted, vaseline on the camera, this can't actually be his face Manilow that you have now....this is the 1978, very famous, almost verging on super stardom, tv specialed, regular top fortied, dude is kind of average looking and is unlikely to get any better looking, and what is with the long hair, but hey he puts on a great concert Manilow) and remember a time when you'd hear hit after hit from Mr. Manilow, "Can't Smile Without You," "Copacabana," (i dare you to hate that song), "Even Now," (which debuted in the top forty at #19...i was completely stunned, because i hadn't even heard it on the radio up until Casey said "And this week's highest debuting song is "Even Now"....although "Copacabana became a run away hit and left "Even Now" essentially DOA on the charts), and (later) "Somewhere in the Night". There was even a movie soundtrack in there, with "Ready to Take a Chance Again".
His run of hits was unprecedented (again, we didn't have a ton of history to draw on, just America's Top Forty from grade 5 to grade 8). Hell, we thought, anything off that album could be a hit. So to cement his claim as the greatest act of the 70's we decided to make him another hit and keep the ball rolling. But even at this point, there were plenty of options left.
"Sunrise" (one of my favorites) had already been a b-side. "A Linda Song" was just a little too schmaltzy for me (and i couldn't hear the song without hearing a skip that was on my vinyl, i still hear an imaginary skip at the same place when i listen to the song on cd) although that linda song was a favorite of my friend. "Losing Touch" and "Starting Again" were pleasant album filler, but we both felt they were just too slight to be accorded the 5th hit single off a multiple platinum album status. So we were down to "Where Do We Go From Here," "I Was a Fool (To Let You Go)," and "Leavin' in the Morning". (I have no idea why we never talked about "I Just Want to be the One in Your Life." It was quite frankly, the most Manilow-esque of the ballads on that album. Perhaps there was some b-side action back then that I can't remember now. Or perhaps we were trying to avoid being obvious and give those damn critics even MOR ammunition against our hero.
"I Was a Fool" was quickly tossed out. We both loved it (need i say that we both pretty much loved everything on that album?) but felt it was too unusual for radio (see how A&R Promotions we were, using our collected radio listening acumen to de-select for listeners?) and even more so, new that we would be alienating the Manilow fandom with this bluesey done me wrong song. "Where Do We Go From Here" sounded like a hit, but it also sounded a lot like "Somewhere in the Night" (please refrain from comments about how similar all Manilow hits are, I already hear your snarky remark, also, please refrain from fronting on the dancefloor) so we didn't like the odds of following up SitN with WDWGfH. So that left one last option, "Leavin' in the Morning" and I'm not kidding when I say that was our preferred song anyway.
I promised you didn't need to listen to Manilow or even care about the songs in order to read (enjoy?) this, and i'm not stepping back on that. But I feel like i have to say a little bit about the song. You can feel free to jump ahead to the next graph if you have to. I will understand. First off, this song starts with electric guitar. ELECTRIC GUITAR! On a Manilow song. in fact, that little guitar riff (or hook if you'd prefer) is the backbone of the song. So yeah, this song rocks! (rocks as much as Manilow could ever rock, which is just a little less than Sheryl Crow rocks) Then the versus kick in with a nice little melody, and even better is the catchy chorus with a cool key change (at least i think there is, my music theory isn't the strongest) Then there is a fantastic bridge (starting with the "I waited too long") in the song (nothing like a little C to break up the verse chorus verse) Then we come to the big crescendo (more key changes) before we repeat chorus and fade. Pure Pop Perfections (for power people and bored 8th graders too).
With song selected, we made our plans to make it a hit. After some fantasies about unlimited budget and unrealistic objectives (i think there was travel involved and i vaguely remember discussions about creating our own vinyl single of the song (backed with the disco version of Copacabana), we settled on a carpet bombing local radio stations with song requests approach. We figured once people heard the song once or twice, the telephone lines would light up with requests for the song, and of course, the djs would love the tune and slap themselves on the forehead and think, "How could we not have noticed this song before! Oh what fools we are to have missed this hit! And how genius are these two kids from Colfax to promote this undiscovered gem!" Clearly, in our minds this approach was destined for success. Skyrocketing success! We would probably end up a little story on America's Top Forty and Casey would be talking about us!
Our first target was the local Menomonie radio station (WMEQ, 93 something on the FM dial). Neither of us particularly listened to that station (unless by default) because we both preferred the Eau Claire stations. My friend was into WBIZ-Z100 (which would NEVER in a hundred years play Manilow), and i had moved on from the AM 830 WEAU station, to its FM counterpart, I-94 (I forget the call letters) but Eau Claire was long distance and there was no way my mom was signing off on that promotions budget (although i once won a contest by calling into an Eau Claire radio station contest---i think it was tickets to the roller skating arena--- and she didn't complain about that) but I wasn't trying my luck. And even though my friend was the doctor's son, I don't think he was any more interested in trying to rationalize to his mom why he need to call long distance to an Eau Claire radio station. Menomonie was local and free, plus they took requests (Z-100 was practically an automated radio station, they barely had DJs much less took requests). So, so what if we didn't always (rarely) listen. Plus we did know that they played Manilow so how hard could it be to get them to play the greatest unheard song off the album.
We decided my friend would hit up the radio station the first night. He would call and i would listen (just in case he got his request taken live on the air) We settled on 7pm for his call, so i could be sure to be done with my farm chores (and also, i could listen in the barn, unimpeded (undistracted) by my nosy brothers and sisters). I'm sure my dad wondered what the hell i was doing hanging around in the barn after the cows were milked and all the chores were done (my brother and i usually were bat out of hell out of there once the work was done), but i just said i just wanted to listen to the radio and he just nodded and told me to turn off the lights and shut the door when i was done (i think he's already long since given up trying to understand me, or maybe he understood me perfectly). And with that i sat and listened to the radio and waited for our song to be played. And I waited. and waited. Then by 8pm, i started to wonder what was going on (also, i was getting hungry for my evening snack....we ate supper before we'd go out to do the evening milking). I picked up the barn phone (yes, we had a phone in the barn....high class living I tell ya) to call my friend, but of course someone was on the line. So I just turned out the lights, shut the door (I was always very responsible) and headed for the house (i'm sure i had a bowl of ice cream for the evening snack)
Next day at school, i caught up with my friend before first hour. He had a terrible time trying to get in on the request line he said. It was either busy or the phone just rang and rang with no one picking it up (in retrospect, i just figure the DJ was out having a smoke). Finally, he got through and requested "Leavin' in the Morning". However, the DJ was recalcitrant (or as we thought it then, stupid). "Do you mean 'Copacabana'," he asked my friend. "Or 'Can't Smile Without You'?" When my friend said no, we wanted a track off the Even Now album, he was utterly uninterested. "Can't play it if it isn't a single" he basically said and hung up the phone (not unkindly it should be noted). Well....that was an entirely new kettle of fish for us. We determined to brainstorm through this new set of information independently and reconvene at 6th hour study hall with solutions (ahhh....i can see you being all Olympics of the Mind and problem solving practice here, and i can't deny it, music was the fulcrum upon which all my education was levered).
Unfortunately, by the time 6th hour came around, we were still stymied. I had one pitiful idea that we thought had a little potential so for lack of something better we decided to go with that approach. I would make the call at 7pm and see if I had better luck. Same story as the previous evening, with my dad giving me a funny smile as he headed up to the house. 7pm and i nervously dial the numbers (thankfully, nobody was using the phone, although with a party line you could never be sure who might be listening in, just for shits and giggles. It took forever to dial those damn numbers on the rotary phone. i swear to god the wheel was particularly slow that evening (and it could be true because it was cold and the humidity from all the cows in the barn would gum up the phone sometimes. Finally, number is dialed and the lines are click clacking and it's ringing at the radio station. Ring one, ring two, ring three, "WMEQ radio," came the voice. I froze. I didn't know how to respond. Oh why oh why did i not write a script. by now i knew well the occasional stage fright, brain lock i could get, and here i was, starting my new career, and i couldn't get a whimper out. sheesh. "WMEA Radio," he said again, "Can i help you?" Nothing from me but sheer panic. I hung up.
Ok, Ok, I told myself, calm down. (keep calm and carry on if it was 30+ years later) I walked the barn walk, up and down, up and down (the barn walk was the slab of concrete that ran from one end of the barn to the other. the cows, at least the back ends of them, lined the walk) After a couple circuits I was ready to try again. Dial, Dial, Dial....Ring, Ring, Ring...."WMEQ radio" I manned up.
"I'd like to request a song please," i said, hoping a cow wouldn't suddenly moo (and keeping in mind that all dialogue is paraphrased, it's not like i was taking notes, although the events are pretty firmly burnished in my memory).
"What song would you like", the DJ asked.
"Could you play Barry Manilow's "Leavin' in the Morning?," I asked. "It's from his Even Now album."
"Say, aren't you the kid who asked me to play that song last night," he said. (Oh shit, we hadn't counted on the DJ REMEMBERING!)
"No," I said, in all honesty, "I've never called in a request before. Could you play the song please?"
"It's not on my playlist," he said. "Are you sure you didn't call in last night?"
"Yes, i'm sure." Completely honest me. "I dunno if it's on your playlist, but i did hear it on I-94 a couple nights ago and was just wondering if i could hear it again." Dishonest me and my big brainstorm of the day. (when you are stuck for a solution, just lie, but hey, how much more promo man could i possibly be?)
"I don't know what they are playing, or why you want to hear it, but it's not on our playlist so i can't play it."
"ah, ok," i went, hoping maybe my glumness will somehow get me a song played. However, the DJ was once again unmoved (unfeeling bastard) and he hung up the phone, disappointed. I thought about calling my friend and letting him know how it went, but i was bummed and figured he could listen to the radio for an hour, unfulfilled just like i had the previous night (way to take it out on a friend).
Next morning I shared the recap (like television without pity, but without the snark). "Do you think we should maybe just try Eau Claire stations," my friend asked. "I can ask my mom if I can call long distance to request a song." He was such a gamer, I admired him, even if I thought it was useless. "Nah," i said, if they won't play it in Menomonie, they aren't going to play it in Eau Claire. I don't think this is going to work. If it was on a playlist, maybe, but they just aren't going to play anything off an album."
And off to class we went. 6th hour was kinda slow that day. Maybe slow the rest of that week, but i'm sure it was back to normal by the middle of the next week and we'd moved on to something new, forgetting all about our short careers as promo people. Funny thing is, Manilow could have used us. Oh sure, he had another top ten hit with "Ships" but that was pretty much it after that. Oh what a difference it would have made if he had pulled 5 top forty hits off that Even Now album.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Ticket Heaven

Seriously, why can't i take a straight picture? Here ya go, minus a few recent-ish items that i either haven't gotten around to sticking in here or that i never got a ticket--effing will call arm bands crap. and unfortunately, there are more than a few that will never make it on here (billy joel in 85, midnight oil in 88, even that first national show at the 400 where we were so packed in the i had to hold my Pabst above the crowd) but at least my grant and robert show is represented. and three of my most favorite recent shows (spoon, passion pit and that unforgettable insanely sweaty Phoenix show at the varsity). can't tell you all how much fun it is to go to shows with you all, but rest assured, i enjoy every minute of it!
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Woke up this morning (got yourself a gun) with Noah and the Whale's L.I.F.E.G.O.E.S.O.N. running around in my head (no worries, songs running through my head when i get up is a common occurrence and i did see NatW last week) But it got me thinking about spell songs. Are they songs with acronyms in the title or just initialism, i.e., spelling out a word as the title of the song (and reciting the letters in the song? Dunno, don't have any rules set up about what makes or doesn't make this list.
Who the heck thought it was clever to spell out a title in the song? Who was the first artist who had a hit with this method? In the age of spell check/atroashius speeleng (i'll just get it close and the computer will take care of it) is the spell song doomed to extinction? (thank you Noah!)
I might need a little help to fill out the list, but at least i can get you started.
ABC-Jackson (gotta start with the basics, right?)
YMCA-(technically no more a word than ABC, but if i'm including one, i have to include the other)
D-I-V-O-R-C-E-(can't stand this song, but still)
GLORIA (could go either way on this one)
U.N.I.T.Y-Queen Latifah (btw, check out that Q)
F.E.E.L.I.N.G.C.A.L.L.E.D.L.O.V.E.-Pulp (damn thats a long title, and was this even a hit? ooh wait, i just got to the chorus...N.E.V.E.R.M.I.N.D.)
T-R-O-U-B-L-E-travis tritt (apparently country don't believe in periods)
F.I.N.E.-Aerosmith (meh)
D.A.N.C.E.-Justice (love that intro, however, no DVNO cos that doesn't mean anything)
The W.A.N.D.-Flaming Lips (i could pull this off the list and not feel bad about it. Flaming Lips definitely go in that category of bands that have exceeded their shelf life)
P.Y.T.-Michael Jackson (so wrong. so very very wrong)
Who the heck thought it was clever to spell out a title in the song? Who was the first artist who had a hit with this method? In the age of spell check/atroashius speeleng (i'll just get it close and the computer will take care of it) is the spell song doomed to extinction? (thank you Noah!)
I might need a little help to fill out the list, but at least i can get you started.
ABC-Jackson (gotta start with the basics, right?)
YMCA-(technically no more a word than ABC, but if i'm including one, i have to include the other)
D-I-V-O-R-C-E-(can't stand this song, but still)
GLORIA (could go either way on this one)
U.N.I.T.Y-Queen Latifah (btw, check out that Q)
F.E.E.L.I.N.G.C.A.L.L.E.D.L.O.V.E.-Pulp (damn thats a long title, and was this even a hit? ooh wait, i just got to the chorus...N.E.V.E.R.M.I.N.D.)
T-R-O-U-B-L-E-travis tritt (apparently country don't believe in periods)
F.I.N.E.-Aerosmith (meh)
D.A.N.C.E.-Justice (love that intro, however, no DVNO cos that doesn't mean anything)
The W.A.N.D.-Flaming Lips (i could pull this off the list and not feel bad about it. Flaming Lips definitely go in that category of bands that have exceeded their shelf life)
P.Y.T.-Michael Jackson (so wrong. so very very wrong)
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
I’d Give It All Back Just To Do It Again
Noah and the Whale
First Avenue
November 14, 2011
I’m sorry.
I was really hoping it would be awful so I could say you didn’t miss a thing. Or at least that it would be good, but not great so that I could just write up a non-committal indifferent review and we could avoid another arcade fire situation.
And I could quibble. There was quite a bit of seizure inducing strobe lighting, and (even worse) spotlights on the crowd (c’mon man, we prefer to stay under our rocks during the show) for which I think I still have a squint (I blame my blue eyes). And there was a slow spot in the middle of the show, termed the “romantic” portion of the show where I could have fallen asleep on my feet for a song or three. And I did leave before the encore because my back was killing me (although I could hear the crowd cheering for an encore all the way to the parking ramp).
But despite my best efforts at diversion and misdiretion, I just can’t do it. Beyond the unfairness to the band and the essential dishonesty, there’s just one little thing keeping me from being a good friend by making you feel better about missing the show.
The band was GREAT. Frightened Rabbit great. Fanfarlo great.
The band was super tight and lots of fun. Kind of too cool for school in a very 80’s sort of way, but they couldn't help themselves with their enjoyment. This was definitely a case of a band exceeding the (already really good) recorded performances. The arrangements were essentially the same, but the enthusiasm and energy put into the performance, and the very subtle emphasis on certain aspects of the instrumentation made a ton of difference. I particularly dug the violin (which is buried on the records), and the piano ( which was up in the mix on Blue Skies).
Charlie was a great front man, suited up (as was most of the band and even the sound guy) but willing to sweat it up a bit. I was frankly surprised by how appealing he was on stage. He seemed a little stiff and monotone at first, but I suppose that was just a pose (along with multiple other poses he displayed) because as the show progressed he really limbered up vocally and physically (especially once he shed the suitcoat) and danced up a storm. And like the FR show at Varsity, this was a crowd of true believers. Maybe a little on the sparse side (no fears of my claustrophobia to kick in…ok…I’m kidding, it’s really just my aversion to hair tossers and tall dudes who stand right in front of me) but a very enthusiastic crowd who definitely egged on the band with their cheers and applause. I wouldn’t have thought for a second that the Noah and the Whale show would almost get me to dance, sing and clap my hands above my head. But there you have it. (not that I was apt to join the hair dancers over by the 7th street entry entry.
The song selection was excellent. They played Last Night on Earth primarily with just a few (best) nods to Peaceful and Spring. Highlights for me were “Give It All Back” (my favorite from the new one), a surprisingly muscular “5 Years” (no trace of twee in this version), “Rocks and Daggers” (the violin really added texture here), and of course the main set closer, “L.I.F.E.G.O.E.S.O.N.” Perhaps surprisingly though, the highlight of the show for me was a pair from Spring; “Love of an Orchestra” paired with “Blue Skies.” I LITERALLY got goose bumps. Lovely and joyous. Which I guess would pretty much sum up the show for me.
I predict we’ll see them (again and maybe again) before 5 year’s time.
(This review was created in Calibri type face although I’m not sure how much control I have over publishing fonts)
First Avenue
November 14, 2011
I’m sorry.
I was really hoping it would be awful so I could say you didn’t miss a thing. Or at least that it would be good, but not great so that I could just write up a non-committal indifferent review and we could avoid another arcade fire situation.
And I could quibble. There was quite a bit of seizure inducing strobe lighting, and (even worse) spotlights on the crowd (c’mon man, we prefer to stay under our rocks during the show) for which I think I still have a squint (I blame my blue eyes). And there was a slow spot in the middle of the show, termed the “romantic” portion of the show where I could have fallen asleep on my feet for a song or three. And I did leave before the encore because my back was killing me (although I could hear the crowd cheering for an encore all the way to the parking ramp).
But despite my best efforts at diversion and misdiretion, I just can’t do it. Beyond the unfairness to the band and the essential dishonesty, there’s just one little thing keeping me from being a good friend by making you feel better about missing the show.
The band was GREAT. Frightened Rabbit great. Fanfarlo great.
The band was super tight and lots of fun. Kind of too cool for school in a very 80’s sort of way, but they couldn't help themselves with their enjoyment. This was definitely a case of a band exceeding the (already really good) recorded performances. The arrangements were essentially the same, but the enthusiasm and energy put into the performance, and the very subtle emphasis on certain aspects of the instrumentation made a ton of difference. I particularly dug the violin (which is buried on the records), and the piano ( which was up in the mix on Blue Skies).
Charlie was a great front man, suited up (as was most of the band and even the sound guy) but willing to sweat it up a bit. I was frankly surprised by how appealing he was on stage. He seemed a little stiff and monotone at first, but I suppose that was just a pose (along with multiple other poses he displayed) because as the show progressed he really limbered up vocally and physically (especially once he shed the suitcoat) and danced up a storm. And like the FR show at Varsity, this was a crowd of true believers. Maybe a little on the sparse side (no fears of my claustrophobia to kick in…ok…I’m kidding, it’s really just my aversion to hair tossers and tall dudes who stand right in front of me) but a very enthusiastic crowd who definitely egged on the band with their cheers and applause. I wouldn’t have thought for a second that the Noah and the Whale show would almost get me to dance, sing and clap my hands above my head. But there you have it. (not that I was apt to join the hair dancers over by the 7th street entry entry.
The song selection was excellent. They played Last Night on Earth primarily with just a few (best) nods to Peaceful and Spring. Highlights for me were “Give It All Back” (my favorite from the new one), a surprisingly muscular “5 Years” (no trace of twee in this version), “Rocks and Daggers” (the violin really added texture here), and of course the main set closer, “L.I.F.E.G.O.E.S.O.N.” Perhaps surprisingly though, the highlight of the show for me was a pair from Spring; “Love of an Orchestra” paired with “Blue Skies.” I LITERALLY got goose bumps. Lovely and joyous. Which I guess would pretty much sum up the show for me.
I predict we’ll see them (again and maybe again) before 5 year’s time.
(This review was created in Calibri type face although I’m not sure how much control I have over publishing fonts)
Saturday, November 12, 2011
The Legend Lives On
Gordon Lightfoot
September 17, 2011
State Theatre
The anniversary of the wreck of the edmund fitzgerald was last thursday. I can't think about that tragedy without Gordy's song playing in the back of my mind. It's amazing how intertwined those two items have become (and i was very aware of the wreck happening at the time). And despite how many times I have heard the song, it still draws me in and gives me chills. I suppose the number of people who only know about and have sympathy for the event from the song is uncountable, but huge. Thanks to this song, I suspect those poor souls in the wreck will never be forgotten as long as music is played. That is really an amazing accomplishment for a musician.
And it's not like that was the only great song Mr. Lightfoot produced. I've got a strong supply of Lightfoot tunes on the mental ipod that i can retrieve at a moment's notice. And he has one of the single greatest folk singer names of all time. So of course, I was excited to see Gordy at the State Theatre when the Hennepin Theatre Trust folks offered up some tickets as a make good for the awful sound at the Fleet Foxes show. Kudos to the Hennepin Theatre Trust for providing the tickets. I really enjoyed the show.
Yes, there are some caveats, but everyone knows that going into the show. He's 72, he's suffered some pretty severe health concerns (AAA and a stroke) so he seems really frail and every time he'd pause and lean over to catch his breath i was worried for him. His voice is mostly shot, the upper range is completely gone and even the middle notes that he still has don't have a lot behind them. And he doesn't EXACTLY look like the handsome man i had a crush on back in my "formative" years.
But whatever, the man is still at consummate professional. And his band knows how to do a sound check. No sound problems here and the band was perfectly complementary. Even though I was sorta worried he might not make it through the show (i bet that's how he wants to go out anyway) i never for a minute did not enjoy the show (well, except for the idiots in front of us who talked through the entire show).
And yes, i got chills during "The Wreck", and i loved hearing "If You Could Read My Mind" and "Carefree Highway" (it was also fun to watch Shawn's face light up when he'd recognize songs), and i was really impressed that he did the "Canadian Railroad Trilogy." But i think my very favorite performance of the evening was "Painter Passing Through". Never had really noted it before and now it's #1 on the mental playlist.
September 17, 2011
State Theatre
The anniversary of the wreck of the edmund fitzgerald was last thursday. I can't think about that tragedy without Gordy's song playing in the back of my mind. It's amazing how intertwined those two items have become (and i was very aware of the wreck happening at the time). And despite how many times I have heard the song, it still draws me in and gives me chills. I suppose the number of people who only know about and have sympathy for the event from the song is uncountable, but huge. Thanks to this song, I suspect those poor souls in the wreck will never be forgotten as long as music is played. That is really an amazing accomplishment for a musician.
And it's not like that was the only great song Mr. Lightfoot produced. I've got a strong supply of Lightfoot tunes on the mental ipod that i can retrieve at a moment's notice. And he has one of the single greatest folk singer names of all time. So of course, I was excited to see Gordy at the State Theatre when the Hennepin Theatre Trust folks offered up some tickets as a make good for the awful sound at the Fleet Foxes show. Kudos to the Hennepin Theatre Trust for providing the tickets. I really enjoyed the show.
Yes, there are some caveats, but everyone knows that going into the show. He's 72, he's suffered some pretty severe health concerns (AAA and a stroke) so he seems really frail and every time he'd pause and lean over to catch his breath i was worried for him. His voice is mostly shot, the upper range is completely gone and even the middle notes that he still has don't have a lot behind them. And he doesn't EXACTLY look like the handsome man i had a crush on back in my "formative" years.
But whatever, the man is still at consummate professional. And his band knows how to do a sound check. No sound problems here and the band was perfectly complementary. Even though I was sorta worried he might not make it through the show (i bet that's how he wants to go out anyway) i never for a minute did not enjoy the show (well, except for the idiots in front of us who talked through the entire show).
And yes, i got chills during "The Wreck", and i loved hearing "If You Could Read My Mind" and "Carefree Highway" (it was also fun to watch Shawn's face light up when he'd recognize songs), and i was really impressed that he did the "Canadian Railroad Trilogy." But i think my very favorite performance of the evening was "Painter Passing Through". Never had really noted it before and now it's #1 on the mental playlist.
Right Down the Line
Weird thing happened the other day. I had just gotten my remastered Baker Street in the mail and was driving around giving it a listen.
The remastering sounds fantastic with all kinds of details in the production i had never noticed before. And they added the "Big Change in the Weather" b-side to the album proper. And even more, they added a bonus disc of demos. Delightful and i'm really enjoying it. Thanks Mitch, for the heads up on this one.
But back to my weird thing. "Right Down the Line" was just finishing up as i drove up to the gas station (3.39 i think, about damn time prices went down!). Turned off the car, stepped out and what was playing? Would you believe the end of "Right Down the Line?" What are the odds? Although i suppose that song is playing somewhere all the time (and i never get tired of it, or "Baker Street").
You sure done good, Mr. Rafferty. I hope you rest in peace.
The remastering sounds fantastic with all kinds of details in the production i had never noticed before. And they added the "Big Change in the Weather" b-side to the album proper. And even more, they added a bonus disc of demos. Delightful and i'm really enjoying it. Thanks Mitch, for the heads up on this one.
But back to my weird thing. "Right Down the Line" was just finishing up as i drove up to the gas station (3.39 i think, about damn time prices went down!). Turned off the car, stepped out and what was playing? Would you believe the end of "Right Down the Line?" What are the odds? Although i suppose that song is playing somewhere all the time (and i never get tired of it, or "Baker Street").
You sure done good, Mr. Rafferty. I hope you rest in peace.
Sheena of the Jungle
My good sales week continues.
The $5 Sheena (You Could Have Been With Me) flipped. only $27, but that's market and i'm fine with that. it's not like it was the One Way version. and I did just sell the One Way Private Heaven that I bought (and overpaid for) on EBAY. Keep your eyes out for the first five sheena cds. either edition is golden (but share em with me before you sell em)
Also sold Nick Lowe's Rose of England. Paid a bit too much for this one ($20) too (not that i expect Half Price books to have deals) but still made $20+ on it. So that's a keeper too.
i'm nearing 2200 profit for the year, although i have a bunch of dead weight listings (yes, i'm talking to you collective soul!) that i need to unload at cheapo before the end of the year. so that will cut into profits. Bring on the holidays!!! Daddy wants to break even.
The $5 Sheena (You Could Have Been With Me) flipped. only $27, but that's market and i'm fine with that. it's not like it was the One Way version. and I did just sell the One Way Private Heaven that I bought (and overpaid for) on EBAY. Keep your eyes out for the first five sheena cds. either edition is golden (but share em with me before you sell em)
Also sold Nick Lowe's Rose of England. Paid a bit too much for this one ($20) too (not that i expect Half Price books to have deals) but still made $20+ on it. So that's a keeper too.
i'm nearing 2200 profit for the year, although i have a bunch of dead weight listings (yes, i'm talking to you collective soul!) that i need to unload at cheapo before the end of the year. so that will cut into profits. Bring on the holidays!!! Daddy wants to break even.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Lights OUT!
Sold Peter Wolf's "Lights Out" cd this evening. Picked it up in new york for 4.99. sold it for $180. $140 profit after all the damage is extracted. not bad. third best sale of all time (rilo kiley earlier this year, and the MSFL year of the cat last year still rank higher). Too bad i didn't have this sale in my pocket for last friday's juniper annual report, but still...this was a good one.
i think my NYC trip was kinda like Vegas. or at least i broke even.
i think my NYC trip was kinda like Vegas. or at least i broke even.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Why Do You Let Me Stay Here?
Zoey and Ben split up.
It's such a shame those crazy kids couldn't make their marriage work.
Could it be that she was just too adorkable?
Or was it M. Ward that came between them?
Likely, we'll never know.
Here's hoping Rachel and Daniel can prove out that incorruptible institution.
It's such a shame those crazy kids couldn't make their marriage work.
Could it be that she was just too adorkable?
Or was it M. Ward that came between them?
Likely, we'll never know.
Here's hoping Rachel and Daniel can prove out that incorruptible institution.
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